Protected Species Surveys
Providing Everything You Need From Start To Finish
Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA)
Our licensed ecologists provide Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRA) to establish the likelihood of bats roosting in your structures. Our ecologists are licensed to enter areas where bats are roosting and can establish if further presence/likely absence bat surveys may be required.
Presence/Likely Absence Surveys
Using state of the art equipment, our licensed surveyors can survey your structure to establish the presence and /or likely absence of bat roosts. If bat roosts are identified, further recommendations will be made for European Protected Species Licencing.
Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue
Our ecologists are qualified in Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue and have a Class 2 bat licence, therefore can climb trees and use an endoscope to check for potential roosting features including knot holes, cracks in bark, and woodpecker holes among others. A Class 2 licence allows our ecologist to use an endoscope to look inside for evidence of bat use.
Bat Mitigation Licences and Mitigation/Enhancement Design
Our team of licensed ecologists can help you meet your bat licence conditions by providing monitoring services for your on-site or off-site mitigation and enhancement measures. With our tree climbing skills, we can also quickly and safely check bat boxes and other features high in trees. Contact us today to learn more about our services.
Bat Licenced Ecological Clerk of Works
Our licensed bat team can provide on-site support during your project to ensure that work is carried out in line with licences and/ or method statements and can oversee Precautionary Methods of Work to ensure bats aren't harmed by work.