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Conservaton Detection Dogs


Conservation Detection Dog and Handler

Our projects and experience

Frances is a LANTRA-accredited Conservation
Detection Dog Handler and has undergone training with various providers, making her a well-rounded handler.

In 2023, Frances had the opportunity to visit Australia and meet OWAD Environment and their field detection canines. Olivia & Alex were the first in Australia to invest in professional field detection dogs for the detection of native species. OWAD specialise in using their canines for non-invasive genetic sampling (primarily of Koala) for very large applied conservation studies, which directly inform a wide range of measures for successful conservation planning or effective recovery solutions. 

Frances also worked with RPS in 2022 on
the development of dormouse detection dogs in the
UK and
 is a board member of The Ecology Detection Dogs of Britain and Ireland Working Group since its inception in 2019. 

Conservation Detection Dog Footprint

Our dogs

At nichecology, we believe in providing the best detection dogs for our clients. That's why we work with the most experienced trainers in the industry. With their proven track record of training both dogs and handlers to a high standard, we are confident in the quality of their work.


Our in-house trainee dog is a testament to this collaboration and has been specially selected based on the traits of his handler, Frances and himself, to ensure they work together seamlessly as a team. Our dogs undergo rigorous testing before deployment, guaranteeing that their detection rates are efficient and reliable.


We know that teamwork is crucial for the success of a detection dog team and we ensure that our dogs and handlers work together to achieve the best results.

Conservation Detection Dog
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