Protected Species Surveys
Hazel Dormouse
Providing Everything You Need From Start To Finish
Presence/Likely Absence Surveys
Our licenced ecologists provide presence/likely absence surveys to establish the likelihood of hazel dormice being present in or around your site. Our ecologists are licenced to survey for dormice and use a variety of techniques including nut searching, nest tube surveys and footprint tunnels.
Take a look at our survey calendar here to see when we can survey for hazel dormice.
Hazel Dormouse Mitigation Licence and Mitigation/Enhancement Design
Our team of licenced ecologists has extensive experience in applying for European Protected Species Mitigation Licences (EPSML) for hazel dormice. We can provide expert guidance and support throughout the application process to ensure a successful outcome.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.
Hazel Dormouse Licenced Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
Are you looking for professional hazel dormouse surveyors to ensure that your work is in line with approved licenses and method statements? Our licenced surveyors can provide you with a watching brief, daily diaries, supervision, and tailor-made advice to ensure that your project runs smoothly.