Protected Species Surveys & Specialist Services
Hazel Dormouse Surveys
Our ecologists can provide everything you need from start to finish for hazel dormouse surveys and licencing. Click below to find out more.
Bat Surveys
Our ecologists can provide everything you need from start to finish for bat surveys and licencing. Click below to find out more.
Reptile Surveys
Presence/likely absence surveys
Rare reptile surveys
Reptile Ecological Clerk of Works
Great Crested Newt Surveys
Presence/likely absence surveys
Environmental DNA surveys
GCN Ecological Clerk of Works
Nesting Bird Surveys
Nesting bird surveys
Pre-work checks nesting bird checks
Breeding bird surveys
Cirl Bunting Surveys
Click below to find out more bout how we can support you with cirl bunting surveys.
Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
Contact us today if you need an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) to assist you on site.
European Protected Species Mitigation Licences
Contact us today if we can help you with your EPSML licence application.
Tree Climbing & Aerial Rescue
Tree climbing and aerial rescue to inspect features suitable for supporting roosting bats