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Protected Species Surveys

Protected Species Surveys

Reptile Surveys

Grass snake

Presence/Likely Absence Surveys

Our licensed ecologists provide presence/likely absence surveys to establish the likelihood of widespread or rare reptiles being present on your site.

Check out our survey calendar here to see what time of year we can survey for reptiles. 

Rare Reptile Surveys

We are licensed to survey smooth snakes and sand lizards in the UK.

Contact us today if you need rare reptile surveys for conservation or development purposes. 

Smooth snake
Slow worm

Reptile Translocation Design and Implementation

We have designed and implemented reptile translocations alongside Wildlife Trusts to translocate common reptiles from projects to Wildlife Trust land and managed to improve its carrying capacity of common reptiles.

Contact us today if we can help with a reptile translocation for your site. 

Reptile Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)

Our ecologists have a wide range of ECoW experience, working on a variety of large and small-scale projects providing reptile ECoW services. We can ensure that your work is carried out with as minimal impact on reptiles as possible. 

Common lizard
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